Monday 28 September 2015

Preparations in full swing for Eid-ul-Azha in Karachi

KARACHI: Preparations for Eid-ul-Azha are in full swing in the metropolis with many looking for a sacrificial animal that may not only be in accordance to the religious requirement but also suitable to their respective budgets.
One can also find that arrangements for realizing the religious obligation of "qurbani" (sacrifice of animals) are not only being made at community level but many of the people are also finalizing this in their individual capacities.
This is not all, shopping centres alongwith special Eid bazaars are equally attractive for the families keen to ensure that the three day festival is celebrated in a befitting manner.
In the given scenario there should be no surprise to see frequent traffic jams across the city. These gridlock can also be attributed to makeshift cattle markets, witnessed in different areas despite official ban on sale in such manner.
Makeshift stalls selling fodder and cattle specific ornaments are an equal site of attraction for the proud purchasers.
Mufti Abdul Naim, a senior religious scholar commenting on the situation said it was an equal responsibility of the religious community as well as media to educate masses that this festival is meant to inculcate the spirit of sacrifice among the faithful.
"There is nothing wrong to be excited and happy but the tendency to show off is against the spirit of our religion," he said.
Similarly, he said this was also a time when people must all the more realize their responsibilities towards each other with equal care that they may not cause any inconvenience for others and also be tolerant and patient.
City administration conscious of the need to be extremely cautious towards ensuring hygiene and cleanliness, has made elaborate arrangements for cleanliness across the city.

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